Minggu, 12 November 2006

#38 Garota de Ipanema

I came to my office today, turned on the computer, opened Winamp, and wondered, what song I decide to listen today….And I chose jazz folder…
Then there it came one of my favorite, all time classic bossa nova song, “Garota de Ipanema”, mostly well known as “Girl From Ipanema”, many female actresses change the title to “Boy From Ipanema”.

Interested with the Portuguese lyric, I searched it in the internet. Voila! What I found was an interesting story about the song. Here, I straightly "cut-and-paste" a glimpse of the story from Wikipedia ( I loooove Wikipedia).

The song was inspired by Heloísa Eneida Menezes Paes Pinto (now Helô Pinheiro), a then 18 year old girl who lived on Montenegro street in the fashionable Ipanema district of Rio de Janeiro. Every day, she would stroll past the popular "Veloso" bar-cafe on the way to the beach, attracting the attention of regulars Jobim and Moraes ( hmmm….remember Malena?).

The song was originally composed for a musical comedy entitled Dirigível (Blimp), which was a work in progress of Vinicius de Moraes. The original title was "Menina que Passa" ("The Girl Who Passes by"), and the famous first verse was completely different.

In Revelação: a verdadeira Garota de Ipanema (Revealed: The Real Girl from Ipanema) Moraes wrote that she was:
"o paradigma do bruto carioca; a moça dourada, misto de flor e sereia, cheia de luz e de graça mas cuja a visão é também triste, pois carrega consigo, a caminho do mar, o sentimento da que passa, da beleza que não é só nossa — é um dom da vida em seu lindo e melancólico fluir e refluir constante."

which roughly translates to:
'"the exemplar of the raw Carioca: a golden-tanned girl, a mixture of flower and mermaid, full of brightness and grace, but with a touch of sadness, in that she carries with her, on her route to the sea, the feeling of that which passes by, of the beauty that is not ours alone — it is a gift of life in its constant, beautiful and sad ebb and flow."
Today, "Montenegro Street" is called "Vinicius de Moraes Street", and the "Veloso Bar" is named "A Garota de Ipanema". There is also a "Garota de Ipanema" Park in the nearby Arpoador neighborhood. (for the full story, click here)

Thought the look of the Girl from Ipanema is below my expectation to be honest. I was excepting more latin look girl with dark hair and olive skin, not the “playboy-mates” type. Well never mind...it was just my humble opinion...

Now it’s time to sing a long,People!

Garota de Ipanema
Olha que coisa mais linda, Mais cheia de graça, É ela menina, Que vem que passa
Num doce balanço, caminho do mar
Moça do corpo dourado, Do sol de Ipanema, O seu balançado é mais que um poema
É a coisa mais linda que eu já vi passar
Ah,porque estou tão sozinho,
Ah, porque tudo é tão triste,
Ah, a beleza que existe
A beleza que não é só minha, Que também passa sozinha
Ah, se ela soubesse, Que quando ela passa, O mundo sorrindo se enche de graça
E fica mais lindo, Por causa do amor
pic from Wikipedia

Selasa, 07 November 2006

Senin, 06 November 2006

#36 Ramadhan Certificate

On our previous Ramadhan…

How many strikes did we make?
How many runs did we make?
How many outs did we make?

Hoping we all have other opportunity to experience the next Ramadhan....

Kamis, 02 November 2006

#35 A Sister Tale

Meet Annisa Fardha Nabilla -a.k.a Icha, a.k.a Cica,a.k.a Icul,a.k.a Cemi’s Sugar Mama- my youngest sister ( hi Cul!, no need testimonial in friendster lah, blog is much more fun :P).

If you want to know, she’s 16 going to 17. If you want to know more, I assume that you’re a guy, preferably single, no bad record, come from good, fun and descent family, cute enough and interested, please read carefully my notes below. Please.. for your own good.

Mr. Universe

Icul is a TV junkie. Once, when she was under permitted age to watch adult show ( well, she’s still under that age I supposed), she watched Mr. Universe pageant that broadcast at late hour. Since it wasn’t a kid show and we just enjoy teasing her, my sister and I inform Ibu about it.

We: “Bu, Icul stayed up late yesterday and watch The Mr. Universe pageant!”
We: “ Yeah, do you know, all the contestants were only wearing pants and shirtless..!”
Icul: “ That’s not true!!.........................................................................they were not wearing pants either!”
We: *GASP*



My older sister and I were married this year. Used to be, at Eyang’s house on Lebaran Day, due to lack of the rooms, my parents and all of their children spend the night together in one room. That surely cannot be done this year. Yet, my sister insisted that she doesn’t want any changes and refused to move out to other room.

Disagree with the idea, Ibu said: “It might be no problem to you, but you can’t let your husband sleep in one room with me and your sister!”

Suddenly Icul replied: “Don’t worry, Bu, I’ll wear my pants.”


Hey that was rude!

My older sister often has problems with pimples. On the contrary, I seldom have it.
One day Icul mentioned that when she’s older she expected no pimples on her skin. “Not like you”, she pointed at my sister. Then pointed at me, “ I want to look like her”. Happy with what I heard, I smiled triumphantly. But then she continued, “Umm…well, not exactly, she’s a wolf wearing a lamb’s skin.”

GUBRAG! And what was that supposed to mean?!!!

Quote Quote

“I am glad I am myself, not the one who sleep with myself”

Selasa, 31 Oktober 2006

#34 Au Revoir Mes Amis

This is my first day working after a long Lebaran Holiday…( got to write about it soon!). Other than a chaotic “boss is leaving syndrome” morning, I was surprised by shocking news about my friends Bagus, Ista and Pandu are also leaving out of this town…even out of this country…permanently.

Bali, apparently is not a popular settlement place for my college classmates. Bagus and I are two from many who have try our luck in this so called island of god(s). I remember being alone and were having culture shock caused by an extremely different environment, unexpectedly, my cell phone rang and a familiar voice spoke from distance. Just a five minutes phone call help make me feel better for knowing that I wasn’t alone. Thanks, Bugs.

Since I don’t have any kids yet, I always enthusiast to meet Ista+Bagus’s adorable son, Pandu. I entitle him as “my favorite model”, “the cutest boy alive”, “kids with the most beautiful eyes” and many many more, just name it!
I always compliment his mother, Ista for taking care Pandu by herself not to mention all the household work she had to do it without help.

Bali, is their past. Singapore, is their future.
Farewell is always miserable. Especially if you’re going to say goodbye to wonderful people, family, friends. But what the heck, nothing in this world that last forever. There’s a beginning, and there’s and end. Ending is also a beginning, we just don’t know it at the time ( Mitch Albom).

Goodbye Bagus, Ista, and Pandu. We’re gonna miss you sooooo much!*sobbing...hiks*

Senin, 09 Oktober 2006

#32 On This Drowsy Afternoon.....

.....I'm yawning and decide to take some break...

You Belong in Spring

Optimistic, lively, and almost always happy with the world...
You can truly appreciate the blooming nature of spring.
Whether you're planting flowers or dyeing Easter eggs, spring is definitely your season!

You Are a Fortune Cookie

You're a rather normal person, except that you have extraordinary luck in life.
People want to be around you (even when they're a little sick of you), in hopes of being lucky too!

You Are Mint Green

Balanced and calm, you have mastered the philosophy of living well.
Your friends seek you out for support, and you are able to bring stability to chaotic situations.
You're very open and cheerful - and you feel like you have a lot of freedom in life.
Your future may hold any number of exciting things, and you're ready for all of them!

Okay now get back to work!

#31 10 Things People SHOULD Know About Islam

I took this article from http://www.islamonline.com. After I read it I knew that I have to post it in my blog since there are so many saddening disputes nowadays about Islam either among non-muslim or muslim themselves.. Please read, and spread it, Guys...

1. Allah is GOD

The great majority of the non-Muslims I meet believe that Allah is a kind of personal name for some kind of small-"g" god, perhaps like Jupiter or Vulcan (gods of the Roman pantheon). I've even heard people refer contemptuously to the God of Islam as a "desert god," as if Judaism and Christianity originated in Yankee Stadium or something. The fact is that Allah is simply a compound word made from the Arabic words al (the) and lah, (god): the God. Monotheism -- the belief in a single, supreme, divine creator -- is the central and most important aspect of Islam. (And it's pronounced uh-LAH, not "Al, uh?") Even most English translations of the Qur'an I've seen do not translate the word. I believe it is really problematic and misleading not to translate such a key word for which there is an exact English equivalent.

Along these lines, I've taken several Muslims to task for using the Arabic term for God when they're speaking in English: all it does it serve to confuse those for whom it's never been made clear that Allah is the same God worshipped by Jews and Christians. Muslims may differ on various points with Jews and Christians, but this is not one of them. You'd never know, though, from the way these groups act with each other much of the time, that they each hold dear the same belief in the God of Abraham, Moses, and of Jesus (for Christians and Muslims) and, for Muslims, of Muhammad. (Muslims accept all the prophets prior to Muhammad, including Jesus. More on Jesus shortly.)

2. The biggest sin is Islam is shirk: "associating partners with God"

Shirk may be generally defined as polytheism, but also includes such things as the Christian concept of a triune God, or the worshipping of anything other than God, whether it's a human being, any natural/human creation or phenomenon. This tends to create quite a theological abyss between Muslims and polytheists, but also with Christians and certain other religious groups.

You can imagine from this that expressions such as "Holy Mother of God!" give most observant Muslims the theological willies.

3. Muslims don't believe that Jesus was the son of God

As mentioned in #1, Muslims accept Jesus (in Arabic, "Isa") as a prophet, and an extremely important one at that. Following from #2, however, they do not accept the Christian belief that Jesus was the son of God (literally or metaphorically), although they do believe he is the son of Mary (in Arabic, "Maryam"). They further believe that at the time of the Crucifixion, another man was substituted for Jesus and made to look like him. Jesus was then raised up, "body and soul" by God into heaven.

This is probably the most significant point of difference between Christians and Muslims. Some Christian theologians and clergy believe that Christians err by placing too much emphasis on Jesus and elevating him to God's level, but that's an argument for another time and place.

4. Muslims don't worship the Prophet Muhammad

This naturally follows from #2, but, I suspect because of the extreme emphasis on Jesus in much of Christian practice, many assume that Islam parallels this with Muhammad and Muslims. While the Prophet is considered by Muslims to have been the human being with the best character, he is still regarded as a human being, albeit an exceptional one. And while he is regarded as the final prophet of God, he is not the only one. He does not have divine status, although Muslims hold him in the highest regard and are expected and encouraged to try to emulate his habits and characteristics, those being of the highest quality.

Muslims were for years incorrectly referred to as Mohammedans (spelled variously). This has generally become archaic, but you still see it now and then. It's actually profoundly offensive, since it implies shirk. (And while we're on it, it's Muslim, not Moslem, and Qur'an or Quran, not Koran.)

5. Translations of the Qur'an are not the Qur'an

It's well-known that something is always lost in translation. For those English speakers who don't ever expect to read the Bible in Hebrew, Aramaic, and whatever other languages in which its component texts originally appeared, it seems to be accepted that translations of the Bible are all more or less equally valid, although one may have a preferred translation. But only the Qur'an in its original Arabic is considered to be the Qur'an; translations are treated with great respect but are simply not equally valid. Muslims believe that the Qur'an was revealed to Muhammad (who was completely illiterate) by God through the angel Jibril (Gabriel). Muhammad memorized the passages as they were revealed and recited them and shared them with his family and followers. Pre-Islamic Arab culture was predominantly oral, and others ultimately learned and memorized the entire Qur'an; it was not completely written down until after the Prophet's death.

There have been many, many translations over the 1400-odd years since it was first written down; plenty of them are bad -- a few of them deliberately so in order to discredit Islam. Many poor translations offer little more than the bias and ignorance of the translator. But it's imperative to remember that any translation is at best an approximation, and it can be very dangerous to make sweeping judgments based on translated verses, especially in isolation.

6. Not all Muslims are Arabs; not all Arabs are Muslims

There seems to be widespread confusion about this. I suppose that, on some level, it's understandable: the Qur'an was revealed to an Arab speaker in Arabia, and two of Islam's holiest sites (the Holy Mosque in Makkah and the Prophet's Mosque in Madinah) are in what is now Saudi Arabia. But Arab people live in many countries, not just Saudi Arabia, and subscribe to many different religions, not just Islam: Christianity, Judaism, and Druze among them. The most populous Muslim country in the world is not even an Arab country: it's Indonesia. Only about twelve percent of the world's Muslims are Arabs. Muslims are nationals of many countries, from India to Sweden to Australia. Anyone who wants to can convert to Islam, and it's actually only a minority of Muslims who are also of Arab heritage. Also, not all Arab customs are Muslim. All Muslims do not speak Arabic, although prayers are to be said in Arabic, and Muslims are encouraged to learn to read Arabic so that they can understand the Qur'an. And while I would really, really like to believe this doesn't even need to be said, recent events have proved me wrong: not everyone with brown skin or wearing a turban is a Muslim or an Arab.

7. Culture is not religion

So much of the oppression and misogyny (female illiteracy, "honor" killing, female genital mutilation, forced marriages, physical abuse, etc.) we hear about in quasi- and pseudo-Islamic countries such as Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and Iran stems from patriarchal cultural customs and baggage and not from Islam, although it's always "justified" sixty ways to Sunday with supposed religious dictates and self-serving interpretations of scripture.

If any of these countries actually thoroughly implemented Islam as intended and honored the spirit as well as the letter of the "law," women, for example, would not only have far more rights and freedoms than they currently do in any of these countries, but the behavior of men and the actions of governments would have to change so radically that you would probably not recognize these countries at all. Islamic concepts and requirements are that different from how these countries currently operate.

8. Islam is not a monolith

It is a large, widespread, rich, and complex religion, with an extremely intricate and sometimes enigmatic scripture, and an estimated 1.2 billion followers worldwide. There is overwhelming diversity within the Islamic world, beginning with the major Islamic subgroups: Sunni Muslims (accounting for around 85-90% of Muslims), Shi'ite Muslims, Sufis, Ismailis, and other small splinter groups. Within these groups there are schools of legal thought; there are four major ones within Sunni Islam alone. Muslims might be born into the religion or convert to it, and this contributes to the diversity within its adherents. It's absolutely essential not to see any one Muslim, genuine or otherwise, as representative of all Muslims.

The very diversity of Muslims worldwide is one reason the annual pilgrimage (hajj) to Makkah, the birthplace of Islam, is so compelling: every year for over fourteen hundred years, millions of Muslims have united for a few days, putting aside all differences of race, ethnic background, class, gender and language, to participate in a ritual established by the Prophet Muhammad.

9. Jihad does not mean "holy war"

This has to be one of the most damaging, most persistent myths about Islam. The Western media have helped perpetuate this, but there are plenty of benighted Muslims who insist on misapprehending and incorrectly using this term. Jihad, (which comes from the Arabic root word jahada, meaning "to toil, to exert oneself, to strive for a better way of life") is correctly translated as "struggle" or "endeavour," and can easily apply to such things as a student working to earn a medical degree or a group of people raising money to build a mosque. It can apply to the struggle to control one's temper, or to learn to read and write. Part of my husband's jihad as a Muslim is the effort it takes for him to get up in time to offer the first prayers of the day, which occur before dawn. It encompasses the idea of struggling or fighting for good or against evil, but that does not necessarily mean with violence, and it certainly does not mean that any crackpot claiming to be Muslim and waving a Qur'an around can decide who is good and who is evil, and start killing people.

There are certain extreme circumstances under which the notion of jihad might encompass aggression or armed conflict, but these are only to be engaged in as a last resort, when all legal, political, economic, social, and diplomatic attempts to defend Muslims and their right to worship, or to combat other severe oppression (and not only against Muslims), have failed. Any kind of military action is, at best, a subset of the concept of jihad. In fact, there is a well-known Islamic saying indicating that any kind of military conflict is the "minor jihad"; the "major jihad" is the struggle to control and improve oneself. Some of the passages in the Qur'an describing battle and aggression (the passages militants often quote out of context to support their agendas) are narrating actual historical events, not advising them as a course of action or a religious duty. They are also offset by many other passages enjoining peace, mercy, goodness, tolerance, patience, forgiveness, compassion, restrictions in warfare, etc. It seems the bin Ladens and "Muslim" militants of the world just haven't gotten to those parts of the Qur'an yet.

10. Islam does not promote, sponsor, condone or encourage terrorism or murder

The smear campaign against Islam (during the twentieth century in particular) has been extremely thorough and successful.

by Deborah Birkett
go to the original post!

Minggu, 08 Oktober 2006

#30 Knock Knock Knocking on Your < c e n s o r e d > Door

Reader! Please raise your hand if there are any of you who have never been handled with constipation. Yes, constipation. This poo issue is not a big deal in medical world indeed, but I know that many people are dealing with it; probably you are one of these many people.

Don’t you feel it’s annoying? I mean, who can stay to sit hour and hour on the closet just waiting for ‘something’ to come up? Well I hope none of you! Normally, I need to have peaceful, undisturbed 10-15 minutes for this morning ceremony (hey husby, read it! PEACEFUL AND UNDISTURBED). But I used to need longer time. Trust me that wasn’t comfortable at all. But fortunately I have some tips to handle with constipation that I have proved its reliability. Here they are:

1. Papaya
I don’t think that I have to detail the goods we can find in papaya, for many scientists had crowned it as the king of fruit.

It’s the tip number two that I’m looking forward to tell you all…(ta duuuuh!!!)

2. Knocking on your knee while you are…( you know what I mean)
Okay, I know that I sound like I’m making some joke. That’s what I thought also when I heard about this technique for the first time from a friend.

But trust me it works! Well, if it sounds doubtful for you then why you don’t just try it. You’ll be surprised what will happen next!

What made me sad is that my cat died because of constipation (read it out loud People, it may cause serious problem you know!). I was just thinking that I wish my cat were able to knock on her knees,then she probably would be here by now…hiks…
…okay just stop the thought, it still hurt me so badly…hiks…

Jumat, 06 Oktober 2006

#29 Blogger Beta Sucks!

I hate blogger betaaaaa!!!!!!
Now I lost my old template and all the customize templates!!!!!!!!!!
Don’t they know how many hours

That was 5 minutes ago, fortunately I copy and paste my HTML templates to my scan disk. Fuiiiiih....
Still, Blogger Beta sucks.

Selasa, 03 Oktober 2006

#28 Important Announcement: SUMANTO is Back!

Okay, I know this topic is not the hottest and the newest topic currently. I know I’m a little bit late, but since this blog is not an “always up to date” blog, …so who care. Other reason why I felt it’s necessary to post this topic is because it’s about LIFE and DEATH.

I read this topic from Kompas Minggu, October 1st, 2006. I’m wondering why they didn’t put it on the headlines. Did I tell you yet it’s the matter of LIFE and DEATH?

Here’s the summary ( I hope my horrible English doesn’t ruin the whole meaning ):
SOEMANTO is going to be release from prison on Idl Fitri day (!) . Unfortunately, his family and the villager where he belongs refuse to accept him back. Thought during in the prison he was reported well behave, still the prison officer has to give extra attention to his special ability, catching cockroaches, and (YUKS!) rats, forbid him to eat them (okay, my face is becoming green and I’m going to vomit).

His family members refuse him as they are afraid to his creepy habits and he is pointed as family’s problem maker. And, this is the most interesting and the most important part, however, the prison officer mentioned that there was a person from Jakarta who has already offered him a job. Be ready, People, as he offered Soemanto to be a debt collector! DEBT COLLECTOR!

Are you thinking like what I’m thinking? Okay, for your own good, pleaseeee…PLEASE pay up your loans! What are you waiting for? GOOOO!!!!Hurrry!!!!!!!!! Should I hire Soemanto to go after you?!!!

Jumat, 29 September 2006

#26 For Mum With Love

Cooking is identified with women activity
Yet most of the professional chefs are male

Sewing also mostly taught to daughters instead of to sons
I’m wondering why most of the famous haute-couture are men

And how about beauty stylist?
Beauty has a strong correlation with female
But we cannot say that only a few guy interested in this profession

Undoubtedly men dominate women’s career *sigh*

However God bless women with extraordinary task bet none of any men could handle
It’s the advantage of being a Wife and a Mother
With noble mission to deliver babies and raise them
Equipped with affection, patient and strength

A perfect word to describe a Mother is LOVE
And now I’m saying with love,
We all love you!

Kamis, 28 September 2006

#25 In Memoriam,Cemi

January 9th 2004, was the first time I met her.
August 22nd 2006, was the last time I saw her.
September 27th 2006, she went forever.

Cemi, 2 years 9 months old, had been delivered baby cats for four times. Sadly, none of them remain. That (we assumed) was one of the cause of her illness. She had high severe, lost her appetite, and other health problems few days before she passed away. We didn’t think that symptoms could cause death. Unfortunately we were wrong.

For almost three years, she had brought different atmosphere to our home. She made us busier indeed, but undoubtedly she also brought smile to all of us. We took the name “Cemi” from our father brand “Chammy”, but I often said that the name derives from word “C(h)emi-stry”. Chemistry that made no difficulty to all of us to befriend with her. Chemistry that brought us joy and laugh. Chemistry that diminished boredom and grieve. Chemistry that buried my skeptical mind of pet-lovers attitude before I met her. Thank you Allah, for sent us such Chemistry.

I’m glad she wasn’t dying because of bumped by a car..that will be so much hurt. I’m glad she was a cat, for she had no sin at all…lucky her. I’m glad that we did our best to take care of her while she was alive, I hope Allah SWT consider that as our good deeds. Amin.

Sleep tight, Friend. Wake me up in the morning. When the sun is shining and you’re ready to play. When we are living in other world where we should say goodbye no more. Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi rojiuun.

Minggu, 24 September 2006

#24 And The Precious Guest is Coming.....

Marhaban Yaa Ramadhan.....
Allahumma baarik lanaa fii syahri ramadhan...


Senin, 18 September 2006

#23 Apa Kabar Cemi?

This week has been extremely dreadful!
I’ve spent too much time working…working…working….
My cellphone rang rang and rang with some calls I would like to avoid (so badly annoying, made me have to turn it off before I go insane)
I was sleepless.
I missed my weekend.
I can feel my muscle twisted.
I’m exhausted.
I’m in terrible mood.
Please do not disturb!

Singing Sound of Music’s soundtrack “My Favorite Things” inspired me to memorize few my favorite things that probably could calm me off. And the words resembled in my head are just “Cemi,Cemi and Cemi”.

Cemi has always been ‘my shoulder to cry on’ when I was in Bandung. Well not literally of course, recalling her shoulder is not wide enough for my head. But hold her tight and feeling her purr used to give extra comfort anytime I was crabby. And the world will be just fine, the entire burden vanished.

When I had to stay up late to do extra task, she used to come to my room, jump to my keyboard, prevented me to do what I was doing, and I bet no one could stand it to see her funny body language. Few minutes spent playing with her was enough to burst up my energy to the next morning.

Cemi was the best friend I need when my human fellows were not available. Undoubtedly, pets are very sincere friends (except when they’re hungry I think ^__^).

*sigh*Apa kabar, Cemi? Missing you much, Girlfriend…

Anyway, having hug from a husband is comforting as well..love you too,Husby..

Rabu, 13 September 2006

#22 Boss Said.....

"If the drawings are not completed by today, somebody is gonna be hurt,....and you don’t know how bad he would be hurt!!!"

*singing*..."Somebody is youuuuu...."

"If the drawings are not completed by today I’m gonna kill someone!"
WAAKS! Run for yourself,People!!

If this not gets done I will go after you to to to……WEST JAVA!

*yelling* I AM NOT ANGRY!!


Peace on earth ,Boss…peace on earth…^_____^

Selasa, 12 September 2006

#21 From 1981 To 2006

New dawn is rising
Marks up a new day
Its light brings a new hope
It’s the same sun that I’ve seen for the last 25 years

There was a time when I had changes to mesmerize that nature phenomenon with a clear panoramic view
I waited it came out day by day
I notice that the hue always change
One day it was yellow and pinkish
At the next day it was silver and blue

I am grateful that God still gives me time to enjoy his work of art
Through the sun, the light, the sea, the people, the land, the air breeze and many more
But I know I have to aware that the world changes
I have to be ready for the changes
When one day the light go dimmer
When the sunrise no longer blue, pink, yellow or silver
….but dark cold black
When the people I love all die

So God please hear me praying
Gratitude for all your bless
Acceptance for all Your will
That are all I asked…

Thank you body, you are the best vehicle I've ever had
Thank you mind, you always courage me to moving forward
Thank you soul, for keep me connected to Allah
Thank you spirit, you always remind me to keep myself sane

Kamis, 07 September 2006

#20 Buddies For Sale!

Hi Fellas, my name is Tornado the Steed

*ROAR* and I am Kimba the Lion

Nice to see you all, I’m Ferdinand the Stegosaurus
I’m alone in this world, my family had extinct thousand years ago…*hiks*

We’re lonely in this world and we’re looking for friends..
We heard there’re many nice people coming to…
On SEPTEMBER 10th, 2006
Please be our friend..
You can meet us and other 30 characters at…

See you soon!

Rabu, 06 September 2006

#19 Teh Inong - An Obituary

I’ve never met her
I didn’t know her
I don’t even know her face

Coincidently, yesterday I found link that guide me to her blog
Unfortunately she had passed away
Just a few days ago, on September 2nd

Reading her blog breaks my heart
She was a wife
She was a mother of two
A boy and a girl
She was a friend of many people
Not to hard to find out why

Reading her blog makes me feel sorry
How come I didn’t know her before?
While she was alive
While she was able to communicate with us
While she was doing her routine, sharing her thought

Reading her blog makes me happy
Knowing that many people love her, then, now and always
Knowing that she was blessed with wonderful husband, kids and friends
Knowing that she filled her life with precious things

Teh Inong, you left all of us. Yet with your absence you still inspire others.
So I’m thanking you.

Farewell, hope you’re doing well up there.

Allahumma firlaha,warhamha,wa’afiha,wafuanha
Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi roji’uun

Senin, 04 September 2006

#18 Still Learning To Be A Human

Meet Mocca.
He is my Boss’ golden retriever. I’m not a dog lover, but I have to admit that Mocca is one of the most beautiful and the most well-behave dogs I’ve ever met.

Okay, I would not tell you much about Mocca, it’s about my Boss funny habit that I couldn’t understand: He always compare person with Mocca.

I repeat : compare PERSON (homo sapiens) with MOCCA (Canis lupus familiaris)

Not knowing how, he always find any resemblances between his species with dog. I was one of his victims.

He’re the stories..

During my first week in Bali made a comment about how I dress up.

(For your information, as Moslem women we have an obligation to cover our body throughout head to toe-not include face and palms-).

Boss : "You know, every time I look at you, you always remind me to Mocca? "
Me : "And how come is that? (Feeling annoy to be compare with a dog)
Boss : "Well..you see, Mocca is a retriever with very thick hair, yet he lives in tropical
island Bali..Bet he always feel sweltering.
While you, you also stay in Bali and you always wear long sleeves and
cover your head..
Get the point?"
Me : *rolling my eyes-speechless*


Boss met a woman who was sharing story about her child.

Woman : "I cannot understand my two-years-old daughter. She always seems frightened
every time she meets new people…."
Boss : "O really? Well Mocca used to be afraid every time he met new people when he was
child as well...."
Woman : (I don’t know what happened next but if I was her I’ll shouted this popular
Indonesian slank phrase..)" Maksud lo??!!"

Boss, with all my respect: YOU’RE ODD!

#17 Help Me I'm Dirty!

I’ve been very busy this week! Soo busy busy busy!
I don’t have time to pamper myself, cleaning my house (yeah right), cleaning my car….

Unfortunately somebody notice that…

Translation: Please clean me up, I’m dirty

But it didn’t take me quiet long until I found out who did it.
Want to know how?

He drew his own pic! Duh!

Senin, 28 Agustus 2006

#16 After 'Qobiltu'

Bandung,20 Agustus 2006
Welcome to the club, Mbak! Welcome to the family, Uda!

Be a good house wife okay..! Cook for your husband, clean your house often..Don’t follow me as your role model..hehehe..

Anyway, May Allah always bless and taking care of you both in every footstep.

pic by Priyatna D.Pribadi

Kamis, 10 Agustus 2006

Rabu, 09 Agustus 2006

#14 Voice of Peace


Got To Know by Incognito

We've got so little time on our hands to make all the changes
That we're needin'
Can't leave until tomorrow what we need to do today, oh no
We just can't leave it

WAR IS NOT THE ANSWER to the problems that we're facin'
Gotta LEARN to live together
Prejudice and pride, ignorance for our defence is NOT THE WAY
If we wanna have a future

Turn back the pages of our history
Learn from our mistakes

Got to know, got to know, got to know
People got to know it
Got to know, got to know, got to know
What we REAP is what we SOW

The writin's on the wall and it's clear for all to see the danger
Won't you heed it
We can use the POWER of expression choose our destination
What it is, What it is

Let's send a message loud and clear to the leaders of the world, there's NO EXCUSE
For this abuse!
NO more WARs NO more WARs NO more WARs, DON'T want to fight NO more
No more, no more, no more

Turn back the pages of our history
Learn from our MISTAKES

Got to know, got to know, got to know
People got to KNOW it
Got to know, got to know, got to know
What we reap is what we sow

There is no shame and all to gain
Gotta give peace a chance
Woh oh oh, DO RIGHT!

Selasa, 01 Agustus 2006

#12 Please Judge A Book by It's Cover (or Size)

Undoubtedly, these books are all bestseller. But I’ve found other plus points about these my favorite readings:
- They have nice cover
- They are small,light,handy and fit in my purse (even in the back pocket of my jeans).

#11 My Husband’s New Look

My husband had never changed his hair style since…ummm...he was born?
So last weekend he made one huge step. A milestone, for the first time in 27 years of his life.
PS: Darling, it’s truly a compliment that you picked me as your personal advisor..hehehe

The 'before'...

....the execution...


Why?? Lack of confidence to show us your new hair??!!

....hey Jet Lee...watch the birdie....
People..Let me introduce my handsome husband...:)

#10 Perfect for Nasyid ?

Is it appropriate to praise Allah with “Six Pence None The Richer’s” song?
Well I guess so..imho :P

Breathe Your Name by Six Pence None The Richer
It's every day
I'm in this place
I feel this way
I feel the same
It's every day
I'm in this place
I feel this way
I feel the same

Is it all inside my head?
Is it all inside my head?
I view the list
And take my pick
I view my faith
And make a choice
'Cause it's nobody else's but mine

But You're in my heart
I can feel Your beat
And You move my mind
From behind the wheel
When I lose control
I can only breathe Your name
I can only breathe Your name

So many days within this race
I need the truth
I need some grace
I need the path
To find my place
I need some truth
I need some grace

The part of You
That's part of me
Will never die
Will never leave
And it's nobody else's but mine

You are in my heart
I can feel Your beat
And You move my mind
From behind the wheel
When I lose control
I can only breathe Your name
I can only breathe Your name

You'll view the list
And take your pick
You'll view my faith
And make a choice
'Cause it's nobody else's but Yours

And You're in my heart
I can feel Your beat
And You move my mind
From behind the wheel
When I lose control
I can only breathe Your name

'Cause You're in my heart
I can feel Your beat
And You move my mind
From behind the wheel
When I lose control
I can only breathe Your name
I can only breathe Your name
I can only breathe Your name
I can only breathe Your name

I hope more nasyid songs are about this cool…

Jumat, 28 Juli 2006

#9 Comment Moderator

Dear Friends,
I have activated the comment moderator feature from blogspot. It means that all comment should be approved by the webmaster ( me ), before they appear on my blog.

Believe me; I did it only for security reasons. I concern about spams. That’s all.

I’m open to receive any criticized from you all. So please do not hesitate to leave your comment on this blog. I’m looking forward for it. I’m grateful for it,


Kamis, 27 Juli 2006

# 8 Kid's Books Worth To Read

Never underestimate children's readings.This 4 (illustrated ) books could shift your paradigms about life.

1. Oh The Places You Will Go by Dr. Seuss
Colorful, attractive cartoon, less text, deep meaning. What could a reader ask for more to chill out the weekend?
Dr. Seuss proved that he’s not only an expert to teach children reading, but also he’s sooo good in motivating his adult reader by his writing.
Grab this one for your weekend, and get your spirit fully charged as the weekend ended.

2. Have I Ever Told You How Lucky You Are? by Dr. Seuss
Undoubtedly the title has given you a small hint about its content, hasn’t it?
Enlightened by the previous book of Dr. Seuss, I searched other book of his.
Feeling gloomy currently? Think that world isn’t fair enough for not giving all you want? Whatever you thought think again.
Be grateful you’re not Mr. Bix, Ali Sard, nor poor Mr. Potter.
Find out more from this marvelous book.

3. The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster
So you’re thinking that world is just one boring place.
You cannot find any meaning from that blue sky, chirping birds, and the drop of sunray..
Well well, maybe you can name yourself Milo. He’s the main character of this book that represents most of us.
People, I demand you to read this book immediately..I said, immediately!
It’ll shift your paradigm about this world,make you respect more to all simple things we ignore everyday. Of course, in wit and delightful way.

4. Calvin and Hobbes
Those legendary comics by Bill Watterson are too wonderful to be missed. The rebellious Calvin versus the “I know everything” Hobbes have captured hearts of many reader. Prepare to laugh till the end, with new English vocabularies added as a bonus.
Pictures from Amazon.com

# 7 Pandu Melulu Part II

Please come to me Mommy, Daddy
Near you is where I want to be

Hold me close so tight with your arms
I always love that comfy feeling of the warm

When I’ve grown up I’ll be a success man
Worry you not with such awful demands

But now I’m still just a one tooth kid
Your love and affection is all I need

I still want to stay in my comfort zone
So please please please don’t leave me alone

Especially written for Pandu who his first tooth has just erupted.

Special thanks to Ista,Bagus...and Pandu

Senin, 24 Juli 2006

#6 Dust In The Wind Part II

Our Lord, punish us not if we forget or fall into error
Our Lord, lay not on us a burden like that which you did on those before us
Our Lord, put not on us a burder greater than we have strength to bear
Pardon us
And grant us forgiveness
Have mercy on us
You are our Protector
And give us victory over the disbelieving people
pictures from yahoo

#5 Dust In The Wind

O My Lord, I seek refugee with you from asking you that of which I have no knowledge
And unless you forgive me and have mercy on me,I will indeed be one of the losers.
pictures from yahoo

Selasa, 18 Juli 2006

#4 Sugar Daddy Goes 51

"Happy birthday to youu...happy birthday to youuuu..happy birthday dear Bapak..Happy birthday to youuuuuuu....."

Hope Allah SWT bless you and give you the best always....

Senin, 17 Juli 2006

#3 Pandu Melulu

Figure out yourself why I crowned him as my favourite point of interest :).
special thanks to ista,bagus & pandu

#1 The Cat

Meet Cemi. The cutest cat alive. Well..at least then.

It was January 9th,2004, when I went home with exhausted mind,body and soul after my last presentation for my bachelor degree. My sister, enthusiastically jumped at me and said, “We’re going to have a cat!!”


I’ve heard this cat conversation several times before. I thought it was one lousy idea.
Ibu wouldn’t agree with it. Definitely not!

I was also worry about all the mess,noise and problems cause by ‘The Cat’.
Nope! Sorry, Sis..I’m not on your side this time.

However, I didn’t reject when she asked me to go with her to pick ‘The Cat. Thought that I need some walk after those long months.

And no one ever told me that fall in love could happen so easy. I was in love at the first sight to that 2 months old furball with “Puss in Boots of Shreck 2’s” look.

Did I say lousy idea?

Well….maybe not…

……………………………………………………………………………to be continued