Rabu, 06 September 2006

#19 Teh Inong - An Obituary

I’ve never met her
I didn’t know her
I don’t even know her face

Coincidently, yesterday I found link that guide me to her blog
Unfortunately she had passed away
Just a few days ago, on September 2nd

Reading her blog breaks my heart
She was a wife
She was a mother of two
A boy and a girl
She was a friend of many people
Not to hard to find out why

Reading her blog makes me feel sorry
How come I didn’t know her before?
While she was alive
While she was able to communicate with us
While she was doing her routine, sharing her thought

Reading her blog makes me happy
Knowing that many people love her, then, now and always
Knowing that she was blessed with wonderful husband, kids and friends
Knowing that she filled her life with precious things

Teh Inong, you left all of us. Yet with your absence you still inspire others.
So I’m thanking you.

Farewell, hope you’re doing well up there.

Allahumma firlaha,warhamha,wa’afiha,wafuanha
Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi roji’uun

1 komentar:

  1. makasih yaa.. karena elo kasih comment foto kucing gue di fotografer.net beberapa hari yg lalu, gue jadi pengen liat profile lo, trus liat alamat blog lo... & pas gue masuk blog lo, gue baca puisi lo ini yg bikin gue deg2an 1/2 mati... kok ciri2nya sama persis kayak senior gue yg udah lama bgt ga gue tengok blognya... ga sempet selesain baca puisi lo gue lgs ke blognya mbak inong & shocked.. makasih banget yaa..
