Kamis, 28 September 2006

#25 In Memoriam,Cemi

January 9th 2004, was the first time I met her.
August 22nd 2006, was the last time I saw her.
September 27th 2006, she went forever.

Cemi, 2 years 9 months old, had been delivered baby cats for four times. Sadly, none of them remain. That (we assumed) was one of the cause of her illness. She had high severe, lost her appetite, and other health problems few days before she passed away. We didn’t think that symptoms could cause death. Unfortunately we were wrong.

For almost three years, she had brought different atmosphere to our home. She made us busier indeed, but undoubtedly she also brought smile to all of us. We took the name “Cemi” from our father brand “Chammy”, but I often said that the name derives from word “C(h)emi-stry”. Chemistry that made no difficulty to all of us to befriend with her. Chemistry that brought us joy and laugh. Chemistry that diminished boredom and grieve. Chemistry that buried my skeptical mind of pet-lovers attitude before I met her. Thank you Allah, for sent us such Chemistry.

I’m glad she wasn’t dying because of bumped by a car..that will be so much hurt. I’m glad she was a cat, for she had no sin at all…lucky her. I’m glad that we did our best to take care of her while she was alive, I hope Allah SWT consider that as our good deeds. Amin.

Sleep tight, Friend. Wake me up in the morning. When the sun is shining and you’re ready to play. When we are living in other world where we should say goodbye no more. Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi rojiuun.

10 komentar:

  1. uhh.. hiks hiks.. gara2 sembelit itu? bubye cemi.. :((

  2. selamat jalan cemi..

  3. the mascot no longer live, hope this blog still alive.

  4. kemarin tau dari dilla kalo cemi mati...katanya icha ampe gak mau makan...
    dadah cemi..

  5. turut berduka cita semoga arwah si cemi diterima disisiNya amin.._dibya

  6. huaaaaa....

    ngelyat foto cemi aku pengen nangis lagi...huaaaaa....cemi!!!miss u lots here my girl!!aq nangisin kmu shari smalem,mpe mataku bengkak...tlalu byk kenangannya...

    maafin aku ya,ga ngurus kmu dgn baik...if there's still one chance more.....ha,tp mo gmana lg?ga ngira kmu bakal ninggalin qta scepet ini.

    jd inget iklan jus Berri yg org" pd nangisin kucing yg meninggal trus ada ibu" yg teriak 'dia msh muda!!',aq jg pgn teriak gt 'kmu msh muda cemi!!'...

    tp mgkn memang ini yg tbaik,icha byk blajar dr kjadian ini....to lost somebody that u love was so hurt....rip y cem!mdh"an qta bs ktemu lg di sana.. bye bye cemi....love u love u love u..

  7. ralat:

    meninggalnya tgl 28 Sept 2006

  8. terimakasih untuk simpatinya..:)

  9. hei ikeow..turut berduka cita yaa, moga2 ntar cemi ketemuan ya sm kucingku yg uda mati juga di alam sana...
