Kamis, 02 November 2006

#35 A Sister Tale

Meet Annisa Fardha Nabilla -a.k.a Icha, a.k.a Cica,a.k.a Icul,a.k.a Cemi’s Sugar Mama- my youngest sister ( hi Cul!, no need testimonial in friendster lah, blog is much more fun :P).

If you want to know, she’s 16 going to 17. If you want to know more, I assume that you’re a guy, preferably single, no bad record, come from good, fun and descent family, cute enough and interested, please read carefully my notes below. Please.. for your own good.

Mr. Universe

Icul is a TV junkie. Once, when she was under permitted age to watch adult show ( well, she’s still under that age I supposed), she watched Mr. Universe pageant that broadcast at late hour. Since it wasn’t a kid show and we just enjoy teasing her, my sister and I inform Ibu about it.

We: “Bu, Icul stayed up late yesterday and watch The Mr. Universe pageant!”
We: “ Yeah, do you know, all the contestants were only wearing pants and shirtless..!”
Icul: “ That’s not true!!.........................................................................they were not wearing pants either!”
We: *GASP*



My older sister and I were married this year. Used to be, at Eyang’s house on Lebaran Day, due to lack of the rooms, my parents and all of their children spend the night together in one room. That surely cannot be done this year. Yet, my sister insisted that she doesn’t want any changes and refused to move out to other room.

Disagree with the idea, Ibu said: “It might be no problem to you, but you can’t let your husband sleep in one room with me and your sister!”

Suddenly Icul replied: “Don’t worry, Bu, I’ll wear my pants.”


Hey that was rude!

My older sister often has problems with pimples. On the contrary, I seldom have it.
One day Icul mentioned that when she’s older she expected no pimples on her skin. “Not like you”, she pointed at my sister. Then pointed at me, “ I want to look like her”. Happy with what I heard, I smiled triumphantly. But then she continued, “Umm…well, not exactly, she’s a wolf wearing a lamb’s skin.”

GUBRAG! And what was that supposed to mean?!!!

Quote Quote

“I am glad I am myself, not the one who sleep with myself”

2 komentar:

  1. hai hai....baru tau ika punya blog...ini ademu yag paling bontot itu?iiiih udah gede ya....-dw-

  2. huh,udah sering ko dipasang di status ym baru mampir sekarang...
    iya ini adikku yg paling kecil..waktu itu ketemu pas masih kecil ya?hehehe
