Selasa, 01 Agustus 2006

#12 Please Judge A Book by It's Cover (or Size)

Undoubtedly, these books are all bestseller. But I’ve found other plus points about these my favorite readings:
- They have nice cover
- They are small,light,handy and fit in my purse (even in the back pocket of my jeans).

3 komentar:

  1. The litle Prince, of course is extraordinary. And have a beautiful cover, and is size is perfect...!

  2. Ikeow.. ko 'the orange girl'-nya dapet yang covernya itu si? darimana? yang terjemahan covernya biasa aja.. makanya ga ki beli.. *hehe.. tukang menilai buku dari tampang sejati :p*

  3. Yang ika punya di-oleh2in kakak kie..yang paperback,kecil,covernya lucu banget biru metalik..

    tapi pernah liat juga di periplus yang semi-hardcover (ada apa istilah itu hehehe),ukurannya aga gede,covernya sama biru metalik trus ujung2nya di-chamfer lengkung gitu..lucu deh..harganya kalo ga salah 80rb-an :)
