Senin, 16 April 2007

Back to My Origin

Piper…Something (I forgot her surname ,okay!), was a graduated student from United States. While she was doing her research in Jogja, she stayed in my aunt’s house at Karangasem, Jogjakarta. She spoke Bahasa really well, she even spoke Javanese, and she was very good in bargaining prices as well. She called my aunt ‘ibu’, o yes they are really close just like mother and daughter.

One day my aunt visited my family in our house in Bandung. While we’re chatting about our life, I asked her about piper. Did she enjoy living in Indonesia? Was she doing good with her research? What was she doing on the weekend?

My aunt replied, yes she does enjoy living in Jogja, thought she has to escape from my house in every one or two months for hanging out with her American friends. You know, she needs some refreshment from talking bahasa all the time. She said it was stressful sometimes to speak with foreign language all the time.

Suddenly my sister busted out into tears. Laughing. Of course she does! While I was studying in States I couldn’t imagine being an English speaker 24 hours a day 7 days a week! Thanks God my roommate was Indonesian and there were few of Indonesian family lived in my flat.

Hmmmmm….got the point?

For all this time I always write my blog in English. Though I enjoyed it but I have to be honest that sometimes it blocks me from updating my blog since English is not my mother tongue. You know, it’s hurt me much because I barely ever have any chances to write Indonesian slang phrases such as “Tape deeeh”, or “Maksud lo?”, or Maleeesss”, or “ Ni yeee” oh wait, the last one seems a bit eighties… Anyway I have decided that starting today most of my next post will be written in Bahasa. That would be a truly liberation for my writing expression. Are my reason clear enough to be justified? I think so…

But if you still interested to read my writing in terrible English, you can check out my other blog, baledesa[in]. see ya!

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