Minggu, 12 Juli 2009

Green Weekend Project

Since you cannot be destroyed......

...............so I turned you into cosmetic pouch instead....


This easy and fun weekend project give those pesky used plastic bags a second and more meaningful life. The cosmetic pouch I made was made from 100% recycle plastic bag except for the zipper and bougenville flowers for embelishment. I really loooove it...!!! So you, people, should give it a try! Click here for a complete tutorial.

2 komentar:

  1. Wah, hasilnya lebih bagus daripada sample tutorialnya, keow!

    Mudah2n sempet nyobain kapan2...(kapaaaan??? :D)

  2. mantaaaab! :D
    keren bgt deh key..
    must try this at home :)
