Rabu, 07 Januari 2009

We Are All Palestinian

Rencananya sih beberapa minggu yang lalu aku mau meng-update blog ini, tapi karena minggu-minggu terakhir di tahun 2008 yang lumayan hectic jadi rencana itu ketunda terus. Bedu+Gula baru beranak! Dan itu berita yang bagus buat dibagi kan....Dari delapan bayi kelinci yang berhasil hidup cuma dua ekor, kita kasih nama mereka 'Londo dan KNIL'. Udah ada banyak foto yang siap untuk diupload....Sampai di hari-hari terakhir tahun 2008 ada bencana mengerikan yang membuat semua semangat untuk ngeblog menguap gitu aja. Gaza.

Setiap ngeliat berita di TV tentang Gaza aku ngerasa seperti habis didatangi Dementor. I don't think I can be happy again. Terlalu menyedihkan, menjengkelkan, membuat marah untuk ditulis di blog. Kayanya semua perasaan itu betul-betul ga bisa ditulis dengan kata-kata.

Aku inget dulu pertama kali berkunjung ke Galeri Soenaryo di tahun 1999, hampir semua karya seni di sana ditutupi kain hitam. Menurut kuratornya itu adalah lambang kesedihan Pak Naryo atas peristiwa Mei 1998. Kayanya sekarang aku juga ngerasain hal yang sama seperti Pak Naryo waktu itu. Mungkin berlebihan, mungkin terlalu cengeng, tapi seengganya ini lebih baik daripada bersikap cuek dan berpura-pura kalau ga ada yang terjadi di belahan dunia yang lain.

Karena aku ga terlalu pintar untuk bisa menulis tentang Gaza, mungkin dua orang ini bisa lebih mewakili. Carlos Latuff, seorang kartunis dari Brazil yang mengungkapkan krisis kemanusiaan di Gaza lewat kartun-kartunnya, dan Profesor Tarik Ramadan, cendekia Muslim dari Swiss. Bapak-bapak, waktu dan tempat dipersilakan.....

Semua kartun Carlos Latuff tentang Palestina dan Irak tersedia dalam resolusi besar dan bisa dicetak/disebarkan tanpa ada ijin resmi dari pembuatnya...Obrigado, Carlos! Kartun lain dari Carlos Latuff: 'We Are All Palestinian' bisa dilihat disini.

Muslim and Palestine - An Allience of Value ; by. Tarik Ramadan

While governments stand mute, Muslims must unite with the majority to resist the violence done to Gaza.

Listening to the feelings expressed by Muslims around the world one gets a sentiment of anger and revolt mixed with a deep sense of helplessness. The current massacres are but a confirmation of the well-known : the "international community" does not really care about the Palestinians, and it is as if the state of Israel, with the support of the US and some European countries, has imposed a state of intellectual terror. Among the presidents and kings, nobody dares to speak out ; nobody is ready to say the truth. All are paralysed by fear.

While the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is sometimes perceived, and experienced, as critical to the relationship between the west and Islam, many Muslims no longer know how to react. Is it a pure political conflict ? What does Islam have to do with it ? Should we make it an Islamic concern to call upon the ummah ?

Muslims around the world are facing three distinctive phenomena. First, in the Muslim-majority countries or in the west, they see they can expect no reaction from governments, especially from the Arab states. Theirs is the guilty silence of the accomplice, the hypocrisy, the contempt for Palestinian lives. Second, western media coverage is alarming, with the majority buying the Israeli story : two equally powerful belligerents, with the victim of aggression (Israel) acting in self-defence. What a distortion ! Yet the third phenomenon is interesting : while 73% of Europeans were backing Israel in 1967, more than 67% are supporting the Palestinians today. With time, understanding and sensitivity have moved : populations are not blindly following the games and hypocritical stands of their political elites.

Considering these factors, Muslims around the world, and especially western Muslims, should clarify their position. While refusing to turn the Israeli-Palestinian war into a religious conflict, they should not deny its religious dimension, and thus formulate an explicit stand. From an Islamic viewpoint, it should be clear that their resistance is not against Jews (antisemitism is anti-Islamic) ; to target innocent civilians must be condemned on both sides ; and the objective should be for Jews, Christians and Muslims (with people of other religions or no religion) to live together with equal rights and dignity.

The Palestinians are never going to give up ; and Israel, for all its awesome firepower, has not won the conflict. Muslims around the world should be a driving force of remembrance and resistance. Not as Muslims against Israel, the west or the hypocritical Arab states, but more widely, and constructively, for justice with all (religious or not) who refuse to be brainwashed or reduced to powerless spectators. It is time to create broad alliances and synergies around clear political objectives.

If the Middle East is teaching Muslims anything, it is to stop acting in isolation and return to the universal values they share with their fellow citizens. They should realise they are in and with the majority. Demonstrations and articles are crucial but we need to go further. To launch a global movement of non-violent resistance to the violent and extremist policy of the state of Israel has become imperative. The violence inflicted, in front of us, upon a population of one and a half million humans makes our silence, our division and even our limited emotional reaction undignified, insane and inhumane. A true and dignified resistance requires commitment, patience and a long-term strategy of information, alliance and huge, non-violent democratic participation.

This article has been published in "The Guardian" on 2nd January 2009

2 komentar:

  1. Setuju free Palestina;

    Namun...saya melihat demonstrasi di Indonesia tidak 100% pas. Palestina diterjemahkan sebagai Islam padahal faktanya secara demografi Palestina adalah gabungan berbagai kepercayaan.

    Kebencian kita dengan apa yang terjadi perlu difokuskan pada 'tindakan' Israel-nya bukan pada sentimen antar Agama apalagi sentimen ras. Menyedihkan melihat ada demo anak TK yang "digerakkan" dengan message sentimen antar ras dan Agama. Menurut saya, anak-anak kita perlu diajarkan bahwa kita perlu mengajarkan anak dan kita semua untuk menentang penindasan dengan tetap menekanka bahwa ajaran Islam adalah ajaran kasih sayang dan menghargai perbedaan keyakinan.

    Sekedar renungan pribadi (yang mungkin terkesan menentang arus).

    Tapi sekali lagi,.... saya setuju yang dilakukan Israel salah dan harus dihentikan.
