Minggu, 14 Januari 2007

#40 Happy Paper Anniversary!

i remember the smell of lilies, roses and jasmines
i remember the breeze and the sunray of the beautiful Sunday morning
i remember being pretty
i remember all the hugs and kisses
i remember the prayers and blessings
i remember loves
i remember joy and happiness

it was a day to remember
it was a dream
it was o so surreal

that day was today a year ago
there are no more lilies, roses and jasmines
and today is Monday
but the hugs and kisses remain
the prayers and blessings remain
the loves remains
the joy and happiness all remain

then it is real


ps. just incase you're curious, here some of my wedding pic

6 komentar:

  1. selamat merayakan hari jadi perkawinan.... still a long journey ahead of u all.. hope both of you can through it well

  2. .............
    kutunggu kabar baiknyaa...
    mugi2 cepet jadi yaa...

    hohoho.. go go go ! ! !

  3. Selamat ya keow. :) wah, kok deket ya sama sayah. Kalau sayah mah tanggal 17 Januari 2003. Tetap semangat! (--halah, apa coba--).

  4. Congrats!! May GOD always give all His blessings to you guys.. All the best!! -BugsIstPandz-

  5. waaah terimakasih ya temen2 ucapan+doanya...

    smoga yang dah married happy terus ever after..
    ....dan yang masih jomblo cepet nyusul..hohoho

  6. waduh, aku lupa sama sekali euy!!
    hihihi..maap ye!!
    pokone slamet deh..
    mudah-mudahan cepet ngasi aku keponakan, byar siti fatimah ada temennya..hehe..ok ok??


